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Re: [efax-users] EFax: lack of support

franka1@xxxxxxxxxx wrote:

EFax lack of support : www.efax.com




I make a comment to the users or future users of eFax the lack of technical or commercial follow-up after the subscription. Being in impossibility of sending faxes, the engineering department never answered to me in 1 month.

The customers department only proposed to me to cancel my account

I advise you to be very careful if you choose this system, and not to wait of assistance of is support



AFAIK the efax Opensource software that we're discussing about in this mailing-list has nothing to do with the commercial software sold by www.efax.com  !!

En francais:

Cette liste de discussion est pour le software opensource et gratuit  efax (http://www.cce.com/efax/), qui d'apres ce que je sais n'a rien a voir avec le programme vendu par www.efax.com.



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