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[efax-users] Re: Can't send fax as USER

Hi Rolf,

Thanks for your advice.

On Tue, 2003-05-27 at 21:25, Rolf Pedersen wrote:

> I am running RH 8.0 but I will try your suggestion
> FWIW,  I had to become root to fax until I made a small change (Mandrake 
> 9.1, efax-0.9a-1mdk).  What I did, IIRC, was to chown -R fax.fax 
> /var/spool/fax and add the user to the fax group.

Kindly confirm follows;

# chown -R fax.fax /var/spool/fax

(Is there a "." (stop) between fax.fax)

I suppose the fax group you referred to is

# cd /var/spool/fax/
# ls
incoming  outgoing

# cd /var/spool/fax/outgoing/
# ls -l
total 4
-rw-------    1 lp       lp              0 May 22 15:42 acct
-rw-------    1 lp       lp              0 May 22 15:42 control.pr
-rwxrwxrwx    1 lp       lp              0 May 22 15:10 lock
drwxrwxrwt    2 lp       lp           4096 Sep  4  2002 locks
-rw-------    1 lp       lp              0 May 22 15:42 log
-rw-------    1 lp       lp              0 May 22 15:42 status
-rw-------    1 lp       lp              0 May 22 15:42 status.pr

# cd /var/spool/fax/incoming/
# ls -l
total 4
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root         3935 May 27 12:01 modem.1626

Where shall I add the USER.  

Is it to

#chmod 666 modem.1626

Kindly advise.  Thanks in advance.
